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Orpington U3A

Membership Renewal 2025

Membership renewal for 2025 is now due. The committee has agreed that the fee for 2025 will be £12 per annum. Please complete your renewal by 1st March. 

Those of you who joined on or after 1st December 2024 already have 2025 membership and do not need to renew.

It would help the administration if renewals are done online using the Beacon membership system whenever possible. Payment can be made by debit or credit card using the Orpington u3a Paypal account (you do not need to have your own Paypal account and there is no additional cost to you). Over 450 members chose this method last year.

Renewing your membership online is quick and easy and allows the automatic recording of your payments on our membership database (Beacon). This will save our Membership Secretary and Treasurer a considerable amount of work, so if you are able to pay this way that would be appreciated.

We understand that some members still prefer to pay by cash or cheque and this facility is also available.

Whichever method you choose, your membership will be confirmed by email if you have provided an email address, otherwise by post. There may be a delay in sending confirmations as these will be processed in batches. Please retain this confirmation as it shows your membership number.


If you are renewing online for the first time this year, you will need your membership number. You will then be asked to create a password which you will use with your email address for future online renewals. Your Membership number and detailed instructions were included on recent membership renewal reminder emails.   If you don't have the reminder email to hand, please click HERE to read the guidance before proceeding.

Once you have read the guidance please click HERE to enter the Beacon Membership Database.

If you have any problems, or cannot locate your membership number, please click HERE for further advice.

How to renew by Cash or Cheque

If you wish to pay by cheque please click HERE to download the form. Send the completed form, together with your cheque (payable to Orpington u3a) to:

Orpington u3a
35 Tower Road

Please write clearly, especially email addresses, highlight any updates and do not use staples.

Alternatively,  bring the completed form to the next Monthly meeting at Crofton Halls where you can pay by Cash, Credit/Debit card or Cheque.

Upcoming events

Monthly General Meeting at Crofton Halls (NEW PARKING RULES)
18th February 2025, 15:30 - 17:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th February 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
20th March 2025, 10:30

Orpington u3a - Coffee Morning
17th April 2025, 10:30

Registered Charity No. 1076544

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