Family History

Orpington u3a members please logon to see group leader contact details.
Family History
There is a theme for each meeting e.g. family names, dating wedding photographs, school days, dress, transport, and everyone tries to do something towards the research. We try to help where members have come across brick walls, but we don't just look at dates, we try to look at their lives as they were. In the past we have visited the National Archives at Kew, the Metropolitan Library and Bromley local studies library.
Meets: 4th Thursday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at members' homes.
Costs: 30p for tea/coffee and biscuits to the host.
10 members in group. No vacancies at present, but there is a 'Standby' list so please contact the leader if interested.
Family History 2
We set a theme each meeting whilst also helping both new and experienced family historians with their research.
Meets: 3rd Friday, 10.30 a.m. in members' homes.
Costs: None.
11 members in the group. There are no vacancies at present and there is a waiting list, but please contact the leader if you are interested in going on the waiting list or you have any questions about your family history.