Members On Their Own (MOTO)

The aim of the MOTO groups is to provide friendship to members who live on their own and appreciate the opportunity to spend time and share activities with others in the same position. It could be a get together in a member's garden, a local walk, trip to London, musical event or anything else proposed by members, to be decided month by month.
Outings are arranged by members, or smaller meetings are arranged in members’ homes. Members offer their homes for coffee/lunch/afternoon tea.
Due to the high level of interest, we now have 2 MOTO groups:
All our events are advertised on the MOTO group email, then individual members contact the host for address and other details. We also have a WhatsApp group for day-to-day reminders of events..
Meets: 4th Wednesday, 2.30 - 4.30 p.m. at Hulbert Hall, Orpington Methodist Church, then as above.
Costs: £10 per annum to cover hall hire, £1 per meeting for refreshments
60 members in group. There are currently no vacancies.
We communicate by means of a WhatsApp group to advertise activities and sign up for them.
Meets: 2nd Monday, at 10.30 a.m. in the BR6 restaurant during term time (members' homes during holidays), then as above.
Costs: Pay for own refreshments in BR6
20 members in group. We currently have vacancies up to a maximum of 20