Celebrating 25 Years of Orpington u3a
2nd November 2023

We celebrated our 25th Anniversary with a buffet lunch for members at Crofton Halls. There was hit music from 1998 to the present playing, with a presentation of facts from 1998 intermingled with photos of many of our groups. The happy sound of chatter and laughter filled the hall as we tucked into the food and tried to complete the Silver/25 themed quiz.
The afternoon culminated in Chairman Sue being joined on stage by our Founding Committee Members, Sybil and Jean, as well as all of our remaining Past Chairmen: Beryl, Anne, Bob, Fleur, Janet, Elaine, William and Pauline.
Sybil, who is our esteemed President, cut our delicious u3a Orpington 25 years cake and gave a short speech, followed by a speech from Sue.
The afternoon was a huge success and many thanks go to the organising team: Sue Howe, Ann Lusk, Janet Holmes, Roger Howe and John Lusk and all the volunteers who helped on the day.
Our 'Celebrating 25 years' booklet, compiled by the talented Viki Worthington, is available at General Meetings.