The Inside Story of the Human Body
21st June 2021, 13:45 - 15:30
Taking you on a fantastic journey of discovery inside and around your body. 100,000 heartbeats every day, bones stronger than concrete, nerve signals faster than a racing car, muscles that shake a leg, why colour is only skin deep, eyes that see everything upside down, a brain that forecasts your future, amazing medical cures and the germs that defeated science. You can't live without it, so discover the amazing facts and surprising stories of your body.
You will need to preregister for this meeting.
Details on how to preregister will be sent to members by email in the week before the meeting. Click on the link and complete the registration form and you will receive a further email with joining instructions.
Please join the meeting around 1:45pm. The entertainment will start promptly at 2pm.